Gobo makes complex information accessible. We better engage stakeholders by telling an organization’s data story through a variety of compelling visual tools, including infographics, motion graphics, and custom web applications. Our data visualization products are specifically engineered for the government and industry markets we specialize in.
The LCAP Infographic Story

In early 2014, Gobo’s Managing Partner, Randall Putz, was sitting in a School Board meeting warily eyeing a large stack of paper. As a Bear Valley Unified School District (BVUSD) Trustee, he was expected to wade through the District’s new Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and was not looking forward to reading another long piece of “education-eze.” It also occurred to him that an important part of California’s new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) legislation required School Districts to engage local community stakeholders during the LCAP process. They would be even less motivated to read the lengthy State-mandated plan. So he thought he might do something about that.
Consistent with work he did in his day job, Randall created and donated the (first and original) LCAP Infographic to BVUSD. Bear Valley’s Superintendent was enthusiastic about the new tool, and began sharing it with his peers. “At first I thought he was just being polite, you know because his superintendent review was coming up,” said Randall, “but then the calls started coming and I realized there was a real need.” Fast forward a few years, and Gobo has helped over 100 school districts, County Offices of Education, and Charter Schools across the State better plan and engage their stakeholders. And done so almost exclusively through word-of-mouth referrals, continuing to perfect LCAP tools that ultimately help California’s students. Learn more by watching the LCAP Infographic Explainer Video.
Building upon the effectiveness of the LCAP Infographic, and driving even more meaningful engagement down to the site level, Gobo began offering a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Infographic in the Fall of 2017. “Districts had been asking if we could do the same thing to a SPSA that we have done hundreds of times to LCAPs,” said Paris Trujillo. “In response, we increased staff capacity and worked with partner Districts to perfect a better SPSA engagement tool.”
Contact Information
Gobo LLC
PO Box 1625
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315
888-938-7779 (FAX too)
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