Infographics That Ignite Change: Unleashing the Power of Iconification

Our Brain’s Visual Superpower Our brains are wired to process images with astounding speed and efficiency. Research from the International Forum of Visual Practitioners reveals that we can interpret images in as little as 13 milliseconds—up to 60,000 times faster than reading text and three times faster than blinking! This […]

accessible = savings

LCAP/SPSA accessibility & the cost of non-compliance.

Insuring accessibility to your Plan is not only good engagement, but also the law. Failure to comply is time consuming and costly. What does “accessibility” mean? In its broadest context, accessibility refers to the design of products, services, or environments to assist people who experience disabilities. More specifically, accessibility means […]

OMSD Middle School Congress

OMSD’s Student Stakeholder Engagement Shows That a District Really Does Listen

“Our students are our clients, they are who we are here to serve primarily, so we want to hear their voice, their input, and what suggestions they have for us.” – Lizette Diaz, EL, Plan Development, & Instructional Supports Director, Ontario-Montclair School District Student engagement is a vital part of […]

Gobo's LCAP Infographic District Clients

Some Districts & COEs We Have Worked With

As word spreads across the State of California about the benefits of Gobo’s LCAP Infographic and the stakeholder engagement it facilitates, our list of Districts and County Offices of Education we work with continues to grow: Adelanto Elementary School District Alameda Unified School District Albany City Unified School District Alta […]

Animated LCAP Video

A new standard in engagement: the Animated LCAP Video.

From the team that brought you the LCAP Infographic comes another tool for better stakeholder engagement. In an era where attention spans are shrinking at a rapid pace (from 5 minutes in 2008 to less than 8 seconds now), and stakeholders are bombarded with a constant stream of distractions (5000+ […]

LCAP Infographic Translations

Language Translations – LCAP/SPSA Infographics in Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean & Chinese

While Gobo’s Infographics provide Districts, County Offices, Schools, and Charters with a user-friendly and visually engaging stakeholder tool, language barriers can limit the ability of certain stakeholder groups to sufficiently understand their LCAPs (Local Control Accountability Plans) and SPSAs (Single Plans for Student Achievement). For those who want to engage their […]

Gobo Student Stakeholder LCAP Infographic Sample

New LCAP Student Stakeholder Kit

Engage your most important stakeholders – your students – in a way that stimulates conversation about achieving goals and measuring progress, incorporates important planning concepts into classroom curriculum, and provides valuable LCAP feedback from the stakeholders that matter most. Order Now Gobo’s LCAP Student Stakeholder Kit gives administrators, teachers, and […]

New State LCAP Template, New Plan Summary Infographic

This past November, the California State Board of Education (SBE) approved a new Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) template for the 2017-18 school year. Of the new features in the updated LCAP template, perhaps the most significant is the Plan Summary, a new section at the beginning of the document […]